Our Mission and Objectives 

ESPA Members share the goal of providing adequate access for life-saving life science researchers and biotech companies, to top quality products at stable prices, through a free and open market for animal sera, based on harmonized regulations for the trade and use of serum(1)

It is ESPA’s position that: 

  1.  “Serum is serum” and “Serum saves lives”, wherever it is collected, as long as QA and regulatory rules are strictly adhered to.
  2. Promotional information and product descriptions must be based on accurate and relevant scientific information, avoiding misleading claims, e.g. relating to BSE(2)


ESPA Member companies are committed to: 

  • High technical and ethical standards, including zero tolerance for false claims about countries of origin(3)
  • Full Control of their supply chain, and traceability 
  • Strive to have ISO certified, audit friendly quality systems(4)
  • Be open for audits by clients at any point in their supply chain on appropriate notice


  • To promote the harmonization of regulations covering the trade and use of animal serum, following standards set by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). 
  • To represent its Members with European institutions and other national and international organizations.
  • To study questions relating to and defending the interests of the Serum Processing Industry. 
  • To promote the education of Members, regulatory authorities, end users and their associations and other serum industry stakeholders. 
  • To facilitate the exchange of technical information within the industry itself and with other economic and scientific sectors.

  1.  Harmonized with standards set by the OIE, WTO, WHO, and other standard-setting organizations.
  2. BSE has been determined NOT to be transmitted by blood by the OIE and the WHO. OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 11.4 (see articles 11.4.1 and 11.4.27) https://www.oie.int/index.php?id=169&L=0&htmfile=chapitre_bse.htm
  3. False claims about specific origins lead to market segmentation, creating conditions for collusion and mislabelling.
  4. A group of ESPA members is working on an SOP for audits of the serum supply chain, which will become available to serum users.

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